Ages ago in the mists of time,
there was a Great War.
The Gods, the greatest of the sorcerers, the paragons of
the wizards, and the Dragons, the mightiest of all fought
for supremacy among themselves. As we all know, the
Dragons won . . . but at such a cost.
Heaven and Earth were torn asunder, the world itself was
wounded near unto death. At the last, the Gods and wizards
gave the last of their magic to bind the world together .
. . The last of the sorcerers had allied with the dragons
and they too used their powers to bring the world back to
life but the world had changed. No longer the vast fields
and towering mountains, the long seas and deep forest, now
we are all adrift on islands in the Sea of Stars. Only the
last strength of the Gods and the mighty heart of the
Dragon Queen keeps us for drifting apart forever.